hi. i'm still alive. i don't know why i don't feel inclined to blog. i forget about it. i feel like no one reads it. no one comments. i'm too lazy. i need consistency. i'm not interesting enough. or clever enough. or witty enough. i feel like i need to type all grammatically punctuationally and capitalizationally correct. i keep forgetting to type in the present tense.so, what's been up lately?
one sunny day, i am biking on my way to calc2 at hill center, and i decide to try to take a shortcut through the faculty parking lot in front of the dinner takeout area, and i have to go over some really tall curbs. on my way down from one of these tall curbs, i land with all my weight on my left foot, and the bike pedal snaps off. dangit. i put it in my pocket. and then i end up awkwardly biking the rest of the way to calc2, and then coasting on the largely downhill ride home. the days that proceed are interesting. i walk to class. i walk back from class. i walk to the dining hall. i walk back from the dining hall. and most of all, i feel SO SLOW. i feel like i'm handicapped, and that with every step i'm losing precious time that could be conserved with a faster method of travel. it honestly feels weird. i do, however, get to listen to more music. :] funny thing is, not even two days later, hilary asks if i want to have "her" bike for me to use. i say "her" bike because it's actually "my" bike. and by "my" bike i mean jordan's bike which i borrowed sometime back in early high school and never returned. just like his scooter. and his ps2. of course, i immediately agree and once again return to my comfortable throne above a lovely set of wheels.- i'm living in crosby 205 next year!
yes, the supercool preceptor suite that we were all able to attain with my supercool housing lottery number of 255. woop-de-doo. me + mike wang (cap), pat lau + his cousin stephen, and jason lee + henry yang. it's funny, cause i hardly know stephen, jason, and henry, and i only know pat moderately better than those three. well, i guess that happens when i only picked mike to be my roommate, and i let him pick the other four people for our suite. i wonder what it'll be like. i think of different suites that i often visit, and i can feel that the atmosphere is different in each one, depending on how close and trusting and open the suitemates are with each other.
yes, i finally got around to purchasing this awesomely delicious game, for the dandy price of $45 from ebay. i jumped straight into the multiplayer, which i've logged a glorious 35 hours into over the last three weeks, and it is incredible. the graphics, the sounds, the gameplay, the atmosphere. it is phenomenal. the hours fly by uncannily fast, and too many a time have i play into the early morning hours and then conveniently remember i have discipleship the next day. :P
- i declare my major as mechanical engineering!
okay, i must say, i am definitely more than a little hesitant in putting an exclamation point after this bullet point. i had to declare my engineering major this past monday, and man, it was difficult. how do i know what i even want to do in the future? how do i know what i'm naturally good at? how important is my future career? how do know right now if i can handle the work? just so many questions, and so few adequate answers from the many people i've asked. it's not their fault, though, i think the questions -- okay actually, upon reading the last few sentences and realizing how very uninteresting this is, i'll spare you guys. mech e yay!
- devils are in the playoffs!
okay, the main thing is that i'm really hyped about watching the devils. especially after their bad bad show in the post-season against the rangers, losing first round in five games against those red white and blue guys in funny-looking shorts. grr.
- i can take linear algebra as a substitute for chem 2!
why is there no way to indent?!
haha, it's your blog--you don't need to worry about punctuation or grammar or anything!
I get what you mean about not feeling inclined to blog sometimes...I get the occasional urge to write stuff down but sometimes the thoughts never make it out of my mind and onto a blog. All the same, though, sometimes it's nice to just get some thoughts out and organized, and in some way it's something to look back on, too.
sahweet bro. yeah u should blog more. but then again, if u dont have nething interesting to say, like me, u might end up just writing vague phrases every other week...like me. haha.
yay for suite! ima crash next year during spring break fo sho
Lol! You never returned Jordan's bike?!?!
i need a bike =[
haha you post like i do in my private journal...list things out and describe haha :) good post
comment! (:
I forget about blogging too and then I get those moments where it's like, totes gotta blog naos. If you want blogs to maintain punctuation, it's all up to you! (Personally, I love punctuation. It completes me.)
Once you start talking about biking and games, your syntax just keeps growing. I likey how your sentences roll into each other! Something only a dork like me would notice. Oh, and I've only ridden a bike about 3 times this year. Has been more of a pleasantry than a necessity but I get what chu mean :D
SUITESSSSSSSSS. AIJFOIAEWJFOAEF. Why doesn't Douglass have any...
To overcome indenting, I press the spacebar 8 or 12 times. Depending on how much of an impact I want to make haha.
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