i REALLY ENJOY blogging!
thinking about what to write about.. putting thoughts into sentences.. cracking myself up witht he sentences i formulate..
but HELP! if i do WANT to blog, and i do think about it A LOT, then why don't i blog more often?
it's because i feel too CONSTRAINED. hopefully my explanation will serve as an adequate apology to katie (my grant-writer sister who is semi-dependent on my blog to get her through her boredom at work), as well as everyone else who looks(/ed) forward to my blog entries, but is(/was) constantly disappointed by the lack of them.
i'm not sure how you would describe me (like in terms of OCD or perfectionist or whatever). you can diagnose me afterwards in the comments. my thought process typically goes like this:
hey, i wanna blog about this idea!
oh, wait, does it "fit" in my blog?
is my blog one of those blogs about everyday events?
is it about my thoughts in the present?
is it about reflections on the past?
do i want my blog to be about completely random stuff?
wait, i haven't even blogged in such a long time!
this has to be a good post!
are people expecting a better post cause i haven't blogged in a while?
should i blog more often?
i want to!
wait, but i can't, because i still don't know what my blog is for!
but if i blog too often, won't people automatically assume each post is less thought-out?
but if i blog too rarely, people may forget my blog exists.
how often do people visit blogs anyway?
bah, i'll just save my ideas and post next time.
good thing, though, that it's not a cycle that goes on forever, since there is a breaking point where i chug out a ginormous post full of ideas that i wanted to blog about multiple instances before but didn't. and that's what you're reading right now.
if you take anything from all i talked about above, just remember that whenever i actually DO get around to writing a post, every post i write is scanned, proofread, revised, arranged, and edited with care before posting.
i just moved all my stuff home today. i didn't think all the stuff in my dorm room would take up THAT much space in my car. i wish i took a picture of it, since my trunk and backseats were competely stuffed. i have yet to unpack it all, though. i found out that the only badminton thing available at the PAL is on saturday evenings, because some asian guy rents out one a gym of badminton courts and then people go there and pay him to play. i'm gonna go on saturday to see what it's like and ask him about pricing. but man.. ONLY saturdays... :[
being in my bloggy mood, i feel like i need to write something about my reflections on my freshman year of college. lots of things come to mind. (but i actually i don't want to start writing about any of them because i know i won't say EVERY detail about each of them that i want to say, and thus, if it's not complete, it's no good and there's no point to even begin writing. yes, this is actually how my mind works. GAH.) so maybe here's a summarized version:
[college reflections]
-i've definitely grown, and am still growing a lot in a variety of different ways. and it's good.
-friends are great. board games build community like no other.
-schoolwork is harder in college. the act of getting yourself to do schoolwork is harder in college. the combination of those two is killer.
-college really is mostly what you make of it. the friends, the academics, the events. i'm not gonna say stuff never "happens" to you to get things start, or that some circumstances aren't worse than others, but largely, initiative is a huge thing to have in mind day to day.
-having a car on campus is GREAT.
-despite it sounding gross, having had my roommate pee in our room is a funny memory to have, and an even funnier story to share.
please comment if you can, because i know you have thoughts. it could be the littlest thing. comments go far in encouraging me to write future posts (and more often) as well as in inspiring me on different topics to write about.
also, i thought of an interesting idea for my blog. i really don't know how it occurred to me, but i like random things, and i like telling people about myself, so putting those two together, i came up with this: at the end of every one of my blog posts, i'll simply have three facts about myself. no money-back guarantees here, it's really just a grab-bag from my life. look forward to them! i hope they're worth your time. :]
[3 randoms]
- i love pineapples. i don't like eating them. i like how they look. i like how they smell. i like the design of it and how it's so unique and different from other fruit. i would like it more if it were blue. i have a collection full of random pineapple stuff (candle, cologne, gold-plated fruit cutter..), that's always open for more new additions! :]
- sometime in middle school, for a year or so, i didn't brush my teeth at all. i just didn't feel like it, and i didn't think it was really necessary. i didn't get any cavities either. yuck. going into high school, i changed my ways. i brushed my teeth whenever i showered, which pretty much only meant every morning, since i showered in the morning. a tad better. but going in COLLEGE, oh man, things completely changed. danyo, my discipler, challenged me to brush my teeth twice a day, morning and evening, as a test of discipline. now i brush my teeth twice a day. yum. :]
- i have dandruff. (and of course i use the almighty head & shoulders which conquers all.) except, it seems like times when my hair is too long, i still get mad dandruff. coincidence? i think not, because i think the way it works is that since my hair is so thick, once my hair gets longer, it's harder for the h&s to clean out / weed out / eliminate the dandruff, despite my conscious efforts to shampoo a couple jillion times. however, it's not completely bad, because when i realize i have this dandruff, i like to try to pick/brush all of it out of my hair. it delivers a certain satisfaction akin to picking my nose. (which i definitely don't do anymore. especially not in private. psh.)
now that i think about it, i think this 3randoms-per-post idea could create some potentially interesting situations in the future with anonymous readers of my blog.
hey man, i really like your blog and i appreciate all of the effort that you put into it. Time and time again, i find what you write to be insightful and its a nice little present every time i see the update in your profile. I think you should keep writing; you have an obvious talent haha.
aside from that though, i think it's pretty funny that i knew all three of your little facts about yourself. (we've known each other way too long).
1. I want to play badminton BAD. so call me when you're going to play
2.I really wish we got to spend more time together at college
3.Initiative is key. As long as you take a chance and put yourself out there, I honestly believe that you will find your self more successful and have greater opportunities presented to you.
Keep up the good work man, and I hope to see you soon!
The Chang family heritage: allergies late in life, good teeth, and bad dandruff. I almost wish Mom and Dad had had another kid, so that we could have seen if the pattern holds true given a third data point. Also, I've always wondered what it would have been like to have a sister. NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH HAVING A BROTHER. Haha.
Especially when he finally updates his blog! YAY!! I think we enjoy it because it's cute and amusing and we are too lazy to write anything ourselves, other than comments. We're like your peanut gallery.
oh noooo preston, don't feel constrained! though i guess i share the same feelings, but like you told me, just be yourself right? and the whole, since your friends are reading it, they'll be genuinely interested in whatever you want to write.
it's nice to hear how dedicated you are with the writing though, i'm definitely not like that. hahah. and sometimes, i get all these thoughts about what to write (unfortunately it's usually in the shower and then once i get out, i forget all about them) SIGH. suffering from short term memory here.
i'm so dreading the move back to jersey. i have so many things, and my current roommate and future roommate's things. SIGH.
oh your 3 facts were interesting. mhm. hahah
alright. so i chuckled when i read your comment on my post. thank you for reminding me of how my hand burned for an hour after our epic high five. hahahaha.
i don't proofread/edit my posts frequently because i feel like whatever i write down in that moment is my true self. kind of cliche, but that's my attitude toward blogging. it's nice to read things in stream-of-consciousness style, or in just your style that hasn't necessarily been refined too much.
is your title a lyric in a song...? it sounds familiar.
response to random #1: i have definitely seen that somewhere before. definitely. somewhere...
and since you're hommmmmee now that your first year is finished, this means that you can driiiiiive me places? yeahhhhh
nah homie! like i said, you are not the only one that does this. I do it too, as seen by that post. it was just an observation, is all.
only saturdays? sorry for not finding out sooner, but i've been really lazy. i just checked mountain lakes to see what they have: its $5 per play and you can get kicked off if its too crowded and they only play tuesdays and thursdays until only june; so nothing after june....
there is a place in manhattan, but that's really far. i wonder what we can do then.
Recently, I've been bothered by your lack of updates. I've only witnessed...one, since you introduced me to your blog (the pigeon one). But I knew that you put a lot of thought into entries even before I read this xD There are a lot of dreams I would've liked to write down on my blog (now tumblr) because they're really interesting/emotional/gory/real/surreal/happy, and I think that's a pretty good summary of..me and what I tend to feel. Plus, no one reads my blog to get them through the day so I don't know about the pressures you have xD Twould like to one day, though! And I knew EXACTLY what "but i actually i don't want to start writing about any of them because i know i won't say EVERY detail about each of them that i want to say, and thus, if it's not complete, it's no good and there's no point to even begin writing. yes, this is actually how my mind works. GAH." feels like.
Ohmygosh, your three random facts. Hahahahaha. SO FUNNY. I can imagine you saying some of them outloud to people the first time you meet. And not radiate any awkwardness from your side at all. Your poor, uncomfortable future acquaintances xD
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