Sunday, June 21, 2009

chasing shadows as the evening takes me

drinking water from the sink is completely changing how i view bottled water. and it's also getting me through my current cold. thanks katie!

-i am a pc person. straight up.
-i am so scared of heights. the scariest hour (or half hour, or two hours, i don't remember 'cause i was too scared to keep track) of my life was the high ropes course at asian young life camp at saranac. holy DANG was i scared through that whole thing. i remember praying a lot. luls.
-when i was younger, like really young, i pooped in the toilets in my house by putting my hips THROUGH the toilet seat, so that the toilet seat like, held my butt. i couldn't poop otherwise. i remember one time, in taiwan, at my grandparent's house, i couldn't fit my butt through the toilet seat, so i couldn't poop. and i couldn't communicate the problem to my grandparents since i couldn't speak taiwanese. (i've since adapted with my much-widened hips.)


A said...

i used to do that too! when i was a kid, i only used one of the toilets in my house because the other one's "hole", as i told my dad, was too small.

good things our hips are wider now! they're better for childbirth

Turn It Up Loud said...

this one is really short. ):

but its ok. I forgive you cuz you're sick.

the random facts are mucho funnyz though :D

Joanne said...

hahahah poop. it always delights me when i actually read the word "poop." like that book you got kevin! everyone poops! okay sorry. im done.

and OMG me too (about heights). it's so stupid, and i don't think i'll ever get over that fear. if you ever figure out a way, let me knowww.

Joanne said...

oh; happy father's day hahahah

michtseng said...

aw! you're sick? :[ feel better soon!

i admire your audacity of sharing these personal interesting facts. aha.

Eric Chang said...

lol how do you know you're a pc person if you havent tried macs for an extended period of time eh?

i always thought i was a pc person too, until i got my powerbook.

i think i'm still a pc person at heart, but i definitely like the fluidity of mac osx better

Di&De said...

when you said pc i thought you meant politically correct. and i was he's not. haha