[about this song: I LOVE IT. the instant i heard owl city's music, i knew i had to get whatever albums they had out. they remind me of postal service, or as my friend put it, "electronica death cab", which works too. thank you betsy for showing them to me, who thanks jon huang for showing them to her. this entry is not directed at any particular person(s), nor do i have any particular person(s) in mind while writing it.]
here's something i recently thought of that i've been wondering about for a while [but hasn't occurred recently].
when someone shares a band/musical artist to someone else, why is there that certain sense of "ownership" from the person who originally shared it? i remember back as recently as a few years ago, this situation wasn't uncommon, whether witnessing it or personally experiencing it.
person A: yo, check out this band! they're great!
person B: woohoo, thanks dood! -- listens -- AWESOME!
[person B puts the song on their xanga]
person A: YO, i showed you that band, and you didn't even mention me!? i listened to them FIRST! ZOMGZZBBQBQBBQAHHHDFD
i can understand it if person B makes some claim like "i love band xyz!" when they've only heard one song by them, but that's clearly not the case here.
i feel like the reason is that the person A's in today's society think what they listen to defines who they are, or their personality, or something like that. perhaps they feel threatened when a newcomer "claims" that music for themselves. too much emphasis is placed on who originally listened to/discovered the band, as if there was some big importance to the origin.
i know some people who don't listen to certain groups just because they carry with them a name, and a reputation for the "kind of people" who listen to them, or simply because the music is mainstream, and they don't want to seem like they're conforming with everyone else. maybe like clothing brand names?
i say, like what you like, and share [by word of mouth] with others what you like, too. i know there's probably tons more to say about this topic, but i think these are the extent of the conclusions that i've reached. what do you guys think?
i mean, i'm not goin' around saying, "johnny got me into taylor swift, now i love listening to her music!" every time someone mentions taylor swift. of course not! i'm just gonna say "i like taylor swift!" i'm sure johnny doesn't mind that i don't credit him.
the suggestion to listen to something may have come from someone else, but ultimately, how much you enjoy and like the music is completely your own.
-the only time i ever took a bus was in first grade when i went to fisher's landing elementary school in oregon. it was interesting.
-i got in trouble once on the bus. as we arrived at school, a bully tattled on me and said that i picked my friend's nose. which i didn't. the bus driver didn't believe me. lame.
-on the bus ride home, i would stare directly at the sun. until it turned into a black circle. or until i got to my stop.
-each day when i got off the bus stop, i found a rock on the ground. i kicked it all the way to my front door. i ended up with a big pile of rocks at the front door.
hahaha big pile of rocks..
nice song.
haha, I never noticed a pile of rocks at the house, but it's really cute to picture a little 6-year-old Preston doing that.
i'm liking these songs on your blog.
i think i'll have to admit that i'm guilty of that whole 'i want credit thing' but i'm not sure why yet. it may just be immaturity...interesting theory though!
maybe the reason you're colorblind is because you kept staring at the sun.
i still have one of your white cities. hahah
you stared at the sun until your bus stop?! no wonder you're colorblind.
hahah and i love reading your blog. it makes my day sometimes =)
i agree with you that people feel like their "unique" musical taste defines them. to add, i also believe that the sense of song "ownership" derives from a pride that's felt in discovering something first. using your hypothetical conversation, person A probably felt like person B took his/her credit for finding the song.
it's funny b/c one of my friends (who i'll refer to as X) is just like person A. in fact, X recently got irritated at someone who'd started listening to X's favorite band, which X had apparently discovered way before anyone else.
...you lived in Oregon??? WHAAA??? o__O
btw, i really enjoy reading your blog. keep writing, po.
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