Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.
that, above, is written on the wrapping of a bar of ivory soap. how cool! that line really makes me think about my life in perspective. lately, i've started to feel myself actually growing up and getting older, and man, it is a scary thing.
i specifically remember one moment at the beginning of my sophomore year of high school. i said to myself, "preston, high school is going to go by really quickly, but it's a good thing you're not at the halfway point, and you're only going to be a sophomore. you could throw away this year and still have enough time to redeem your high school years, but make the best of it now."
i'm not gonna say any of that "it felt like i was young just yesterday!" stuff, because when i think about middle school, all that feels REALLy far back in the past. i like school, because the education provides something to do, something to achieve.
is it bad if that is the "main" purpose of my life now, with everything else such as friends, games, life experiences, as "side" enjoyments? to think that in a few years there won't be anymore school!? scary.
i was talking with chris chu a while ago, and the way he described things to me put things in a scary kind of perspective for me.
a few things i remember:
after college, there won't be time to hang out with friends anymore, and if there is, it'll be limited. because "4/5" people will move to another area to work, and/or they'll get married.
church won't be nearly the same because the english young adults is nothing like college group which is already much different from regular youth group.
without a purpose or "thing to go after" once college is over, what'll i seek out and fill my life with, besides work?
which brings me back to the quote above.
"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."
i hope i've made the best of enjoying little things in the past. i think, if you take time to look around, you'll see your life filled with lots of little things that you may take for granted. but hey, youth is what it is, and it doesn't last forever.
every sunday school, every sermon, every "routine" worship team set, every applebee's get-together, every sleepover, every settlers game. make the best of it.
preston, college is going to go by really quickly. make the best of it now.
what are your little things that you enjoy now?
-when i was younger, i would go apple picking every year around october. one time, i brought a steak knife with me, and slashed up apples as they hung on the trees as if i were a samurai or something. i had a BLAST.
-DCLA. in DC. in 2006. at the beginning of one of the concerts, i was heading to the bathroom. and before i even got close to the door, guess who i SAW! DAVID CROWDER! a ton of other people were there and crowding him at the entrance to the bathroom, the poor guy. the point is, I GOT TO SHAKE HIS HAND HEHEH.
-one time in middle school, i got a nosebleed. i went to the nurse's office and it kept going for a long while. eventually, the nurse called my dad and he came to get me since my nose wouldn't stop bleeding. i went to see a doctor/private-physician-dood on the spot, and he stuck this solder-like thing up my nostril, and the bleeding stopped. he said my nose would never bleed again. that wasn't true.
just kidding that samurai part was cool
the people who made that bar of soap sound pretty wise. haha.
i also think thats an important reason why one should recollect through writing, because you can always look back and remember all those good times. woohoo for blogs :]
life is going by really quickly - and when you mention that whole in the future we won't be able to hang out with old friends as much, goodness that scares me! i mean its already evident when we transitioned to college, i don't even want to think about the next transition!
haha well, i guess like you said, it's just important to treasure the little things now and worry about the other stuff later :]
i feel obligated to end this comment with something like, i can look back and say that a lot of the little things i've enjoyed so far in life contain you! haha. but it's true :]
i really like this post a lot.
sorry i couldn't think of anything more substantial to say.
I think this was your best post by far. It speaks for/to me because I feel time is too short. Things change too quickly. And sometimes it [everything] just isn't enough. For me, thats kinda [really] scary.
Its pretty cool that you brought this up. 2 eprops
i would caution against enjoying too much lest your life become about you and not Christ. enjoyment because you are doing what God calls you to do is timeless because you will continually be satisfied by Christ.
Not that you don't know that, but just reminding since i think realizations like this lead to less than helpful mindsets.
another basic point is that you've adjusted from hs to college, which i think is much harder than from college to career life. You survived freshmen year so i have no doubt that you will survive college graduation. :)
With all due respect to Eric's comment, I say enjoy your life as much as you can. :) Every day is a gift from God; He loves it when we enjoy His gifts the way little kids enjoy Christmas presents from Dad.
Ecclesiastes 11.7-12.14
i think i should have made myself clearer but i'm not against full enjoyment at all. in fact, the bible calls us to be joyful, to rejoice and to enjoy what God has given us.
What i caution against is people who have a sense of unbridled enjoyment, who seek pleasure and satisfaction first and only that. I'm sure most of us know better but it's always good to keep that in mind since i find myself choosing pleasure over God more often than i'd like.
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