i think my blog makes you guys read too much. here, a change of pace. (also no new music. sorry.)

these two kids are isaac and enoch, respectively.

i know them from church, and i went to their house and taught them piano for a while up until i had to go to college.

enoch is the older brother, but i don't remember exactly how old they are. they're ridiculously cute and cool at the same time, and i love hanging out with them.

fun fact!: enoch and isaac have beaten me in checkers every time that we've played. in my defense, i've only played checkers a handful of times as a kid, and haven't touched the game since.

isaac has two swirls!

i have this thing where i point out every nissan 350z that i see. and if i can, i take a picture of it. (which isn't creepy, 'cause they're just cars, not like people or something.)
i saw this sweet black one as i was biking on my way to mr. kevin yuey's house, and stopped to take these two pics, but not for too long, for fear of neighbors being suspicious.

i saw this tricked-out 350z as i was leaving rockaway mall.

i'm particularly proud of these shots that i got here, waiting for the traffic light at 46/beverwyck.

at rutgers. DIG the blue.

rutgers again. orange is pretty legit, too.

check it ouuuuut.

before i came to college, i mowed four lawns regularly, and carried the lawn mower to their houses in our mazda suv, pictured on the left. for these next pictures, even though i had full intention for this to happen, i'm not sure whether to describe it as something that i
did or something that
happened to me. i'll let you decide.

and last but not least.

[those 3 fax]
-when i was younger, i used to think i was clever by pointing my middle finger down at the ground. i don't recall doing it much, though.
-for as long as i can remember, i've slept on my tummy. on the rare occasion, i would sleep on my side. however, it wasn't until college that i actually deliberately slept on my back. still rare, though. it feels so weird.
-my favorite soda is mountain dew: code red. it doesn't have to do with the color red, that's for sure, because that's one of my least favorite colors. but i dunno. i'm a big mountain dew fan in general. all the mountain dews i've had: regular, code red, live wire, pitch black, pitch black ii, voltage, supernova, revolution, baja blast, and halo3 game fuel edition. i have yet to try the two world of warcraft ones. i still have an unopened can of the halo3 game fuel edition on the shelf in my room. :D
YES first comment!
I can't believe that you can name all the varieties of Mountain Dew. I'm pretty impressed, to tell the truth.
Whose dog is that and why is it being laundered?!?
When I am a millionaire (which will never happen), I will buy you a Nissan 350z. But I get to pick the color. Either pink or seafoam green, methinks.
Thats my dog! In my washing machine! AHH!!!
So many pictures! I like this change of pace. I'd like to see you in a seafoam green car. Speaking of which, can you even tell its that color? JUST ASKIN'!
meh. for a couple thousand less, you can get a honda s2000 that's faster and rated higher by road and track's sports car comparison. AND it's only 4 cylinders. booya, honda engineering ftw.
haha your blog doesn't usually make us read too much!
though having rows of pictures is pretty fun too.
whoa i spy someone trying to cleverly pick on colorblind people haha.
+1 for those side-view mirror pics
lolol at hanna's dog! SO CUTE!
i like your compilation of pictures :] you would. [ITS SO YOU. (haha)]
i always slept on my tummy too, and i always start like that, but when i'm about to fall asleep, i find that i can't breathe so i have to flip over. mm.
Thats my dog. What the heck. When are you in my house to do this? Hanna's not even home! What. The. Heck?
so in chinese culture, they say that if you have two swirls, that means that you're SUPER stubborn. my brother has two swirls. he's super stubborn. JUSS SAYIN.
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