Tuesday, December 22, 2009

it's like going to the moon

you know what?

i'm tired. so here, enjoy the song that i know you've all been waiting for, here are some random facts, and have a great holiday season!

edgar got me crystal pineapple salt and pepper shakers. yessss.

our suite is homo. and eric is a cutieeeeeeeeeeeee.

[songs for christmas! 4 of 4]
so here's the deal, i've picked four songs in anticipation of christmas, and i'm going to have a new one up in each blog entry that i post, the four weeks before christmas. ideally one post a weekend. 3 of the 4 songs are by artists that you know or have at least heard of, but i'm almost certain that you won't have heard any of the songs before. so they'll be foreign but in a familiar kind of way.
this week's song is: the christmas song, by owl city. push play!

aww yeah, the best for last. :]

[randomly stuffingly random stuff]
-i only eat finger foods with my left hand. that means chips, french fries, and the like. i guess it became habit because i do other stuff with my dominant hand, like use the computer mouse and stuff.
-a few winters ago, i buried some soda cans in the snow piles outside my house 'cause i thought it was a fun idea for some reason. i only remembered i put them there when i found them in the spring. yay!
-i eat starburst with the wrapper. :]


Sarah said...

"our suite is homo"- not surprised.

YOU EAT STARBURST WITH THE WRAPPER? that reminds me of those chinese candies that have the rice paper over it that melt in your mouth. they are sooo weird but so good at the same time..

Anonymous said...

Hey what other stuff do you do with your "dominant" hand, hmm? YOU KNOW...

you should try to geuss who this is

Di&De said...

dude how do u do cool things on ur blog like add music