i am on a we the kings high right now, after purchasing and listening to their latest album, smile kid. IT IS SOOOO GOOD AHHHH I WANNA DANCE.
i really like meeting band members, especially of bands that i am a fan of.
it's funny, though, because the actual process of meeting them and chatting with them is so so nerve-wracking! i am a shy person, and even moreso when it comes to someone that i am a fan of.
i never really imagined i'd get to meet and talk to some of the band members that i did, from the likes of tim be told, lighthouse, david crowder, and one of my personal favorite favorites, amber pacific. and so when i do end up seeing them in the flesh up close and shaking their hands, it's so .. SURREAL.
i end up feeling really nervous and jittery and trying to talk too much while at the same time having no idea what to say. honestly, in my mind, all i'm thinking about is how i can quickly get away and end it on a good note.
what "famous people" have you guys met? how did that go?
-i never say "um" online. i think it's awkward.
heehee i've met a few "famous people," but that means people in bands that you probably don't know =/ anyway, i've met the bassist and lead singer of ra ra riot (MATHIEU SANTOS <3 and wes miles), jon moses (lol funny story about him) and the band members of girls. for mathieu & wes, there were a lot of people around them and on line, so i just took a picture with them and i got them to sign my tshirt. i think i also told them that they did a good job keeping the energy up in their performance, or something like that.
for jon moses, i didn't know him before the show. he's super talented, but people kept talking during his performance to the point where i couldn't really hear him. they were just really disrespectful because he was an opening act, and that pissed me off. so i told him that afterwards, and told him that he's really talented, and to keep up the good work. aaaand he gave me his CD for free! hahaha. he was a really nice guy :)
and lastly, with the band members of girls, i asked them why they chose those particularly encore songs, and why they didn't play some songs they knew the audience wanted to hear. and they actually told me hahah so that was pretty cool. they signed my poster too! :D aaand i also got to talk to them about the poster picture and such. and a little bit about their music in the future. they're nice dudes hahah and i got a sweet poster at the end of it. :D
i regret not talking to some bands when i was younger and intimidated. but now that we're older, we can actually stay long enough to talk to them afterwards! excitingg :)
wow, that was a long comment. my b. i really don't wanna do my paper right now lol. hope your school load isn't like mind right now! bye! :D
Have you seen Slumdog Millionaire? Tolsun, his parents, and I were in Chinatown one night for dinner, and we met Dev Patel. He was in town shooting a movie. It was him, his friend, and a middle-aged woman who I guess was their chaperone? The woman asked Tolsun if the restaurant was any good (we were waiting outside for a table) so of course he said yes. After we got seated, they came in a little while later and had dinner at the table next to us.
The funny part is that Tolsun had just seen the movie that week but he didn't realize who he was until we saw some people asking Dev if they could take their picture with him. I hadn't seen it yet so I had no idea.
Other funny part is that both Dev and his friend ordered lemon chicken and were definitely talking about D&D. So dorky! Aww!
I met Bob from The Hush Sound! (You should check them out! They are awesome.) I asked him for a picture and I was super proud of myself, haha.
I also met Kris Allen, briefly - who, if I recall correctly, you thought was a girl. LOL.
That's about it. I haven't been to that many concerts. Sad. =(
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