Friday, October 4, 2013

i’m a youth sponsor at my youth group, and i lead a small group of 6th grade boys.  it’s been so long since i’ve been in youth group, let alone 6th grade, and i forgot how awesome it is to be young.  talking with these kids is always a blast, and i love that the only way to really get them intently focused and eager to answer questions is if i reward them with candy.  we had one night where we wrote encouragement notes to the college freshmen who just left yg, and my three sixth graders wrote ten cards!  hahah they’re so great.

and something about using those markers makes your writing look like it was written by someone at least five years younger than you.  i wrote “clifford” on that box in the second to last picture, and it looks like a middle schooler wrote it LOL.

love these boys :D

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