my computer is freeeee to use.
my computer used to have a password on the log-in screen, but i gave it to everyone who asked anyway. that, and i only ever had to enter it whenever i had to restart my computer for whatever reason (which was rare because i never turn my computer off or lock it or have it set to ever go into standby or sleep or whatever). that made me realize that there was no point to have it. so i removed it.
when i moved into the suite at the beginning of this year, i made an interesting realization: everyone locked their computers when not in use and required a password to unlock them. and also had a need to incessantly lock it when not in use (to varying degrees).
i didn't think much of it at first, until i realized that no one (save for matthew) would actually tell me the passwords to unlock their computers if i wanted to quickly use it for something. he might unlock it for me, but nope, wouldn't give me the password no matter what. most of them also made it a point to lock it whenever they weren't going to use it, some the instant he left the computer, others only when leaving for an extended period of time.
i didn't, and still don't, quite get the point of these passwords and incessantly locking.
to a small extent, it makes me feel like there's no trust here! that, or we have some weird stuff we wanna hide. most everyone leaves their computer in his own room (as opposed to using it often outside of the suite), so that rules out the reasoning of strangers using their computers.
and yeah, i guess i wouldn't want anyone reading my emails or chats or something, but i trust everyone enough to know they wouldn't read through all my archives of conversations and go out and tell the world or anything. and in the case someone does glance upon a snippet of a conversation, so what? i know they wouldn't make a big deal out of it.
on the other hand, just because my computer is an open book to everyone else doesn't mean i'm going to treat their computers the same way if they kept them unlocked. at most i use it to look something up, and only when necessary.
the bottom line is, i just don't get the big deal about passwords and locking computers. i'm sure you all have your own reasons and such.
i'm really curious as to what your take is on this subject. do you constantly keep your computer locked?
about [we shot the moon - tunnel vision] -- i really like this group. why? 'cause it's the new group that jonathan jones (the lead singer of waking ashland) started after waking ashland split up. i was pretty sad that waking ashland split up because i loved their composure album, and even some songs of their final (and not as good) album, the well. and i only found out a few days ago that he started this group! AWESOME! i am so happy.
-when i was younger, my handwriting was pretty bad and for important things, like putting my name with sharpie on something i owned, i asked my sister to write it for me. and i would always marvel at how neat her handwriting was. i think my handwriting can now hold its own against katie's. >:]
-i have this thing where i like to fart in little bits at a time. some of you know this. heeheehe.
-i have this other thing where when i burp, i keep it in my mouth to suppress the sound, and then i blow it away so it doesn't get on anyone. ehheehee.
lol first!
haha i didnt use to lock my computer, but after freshman year living in the dorms it became a habit. ppl would go around the dorm and go to messed up websites like meatspin and then turn off the monitor so you would have a nice little surprise waiting for you when you got back. happened to me a bunch in the beginning until i got the wiser. lolz
Waking Ashland was awesome! Good to know that they have a successor.
I didn't lock my computer at home or in the dorms. I didn't have much to hide. But yeah, people will use it to prank you or snoop through your browsing history or steal financial information. Stuff they don't have any business with.
You have to lock your computers when you step away at work, it just sucks to remember 30 different passwords.
jack and jill are friends
jack gives jill password to computer
(jack also uses this password for every other account he has)
jack and jill fight over going up a hill(never speak to each other again)
jill is short on cash and wants a new coach bag
jill logs into jacks bank account
jill is happy :D
jack is not.
hahaha at the julie's comment.
and yeahh i mean at home i never used to lock my computer, but then going to school and living in the dorms i did.
I dunno, privacy just seems like a greater subject when you're in that environment.
I remember last year, just with the set up of my room, my roommate would be looking at what i was doing over my shoulder and she'd make comments, etc. it just didn't feel good! and I guess just being in the whole realm where your work is solely based on your creativity is kinda touchy.. since you can get inspiration from anywhere / its so easy to just steal ideas.
hahaha this entry. yeah, i used to not put a lock on my laptop... but then people would steal it when i wasn't looking and mess up all the settings (negative colors, 700% zoom... yeah). and this was always done by PC users, who would make fun of me for owning a mac :( so yeah! that's why i put on my pw.
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