Sunday, March 27, 2011

sore, but all right

it's an interesting feeling after a day of badminton, when only the right side of my body is sore, from my foot to my thigh to my side to my shoulder to my arm.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

thought 7

the small black things you see in the top of brita filters are bits of carbon. it's okay to ingest them. if you think about it, it wouldn't be a very smart move for the brita company to use a harmful substance in a water filter, would it?

thought 6

sometimes, i feel like i'm living my life through a window. while it is true in a sense, since i'm looking through my eyes.. what i don't think about is that other people actually see and talk to an actual person, preston chang.

weird, huh.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

thought 5

at my bank's atm, i get a receipt whenever i complete my transaction. i have no need for it, though, so i toss it in the garbage can they have conveniently provided on the floor by the atm. inside the garbage, there are lots of crumpled and ripped-up receipts. i definitely understand the thought process.. but totally unnecessary, if you think about it.. first, if there was valuable financial information printed on these receipts, crumpling up the paper wouldn't do anything to prevent someone from getting that information. second, what bank would actually print valuable financial information on a receipt?