Tuesday, October 7, 2014

happy birthday to me!

thanks, laura, for making the awesome card, and thanks to my favorite sister, katie, for this awesome handmade gift!  isn't it cute?  :}

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Loss.  More than a feeling.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

sometimes, happiness is found in the little things.

other times, it’s found in a freaking green-backlit mechanical keyboard.

a gift from your brothers who love you and care for you -- happy birthday, mini :)


i really think giving gifts is one of my passions lolol

Thursday, March 20, 2014


I used the word “feel” a couple times and it was pounced on like a fumbled football. And yet I kept asking myself “why do these people have a problem with feelings or the concept of feelings?”
Feelings are, essentially, thoughts. They don’t come from the heart, they come from the brain. Both thoughts and feeling are chemical and electrical functions of the brain. It’s true they are different, but one is not a lie while the other is true. The reality is, neither is trustworthy without verification and consideration.
The distinction, however, that feelings are lesser trustworthy experiences is a false dichotomy. Certainly you can’t do math with feelings, but you can’t love with math. Is math an invention of God while love a worldly experience? Did God create your mind to be a calculator and Satan stuck some feelings into the mix?
The Bible itself includes a large amount of art and history and comparably few rational essays, so the evangelical tendency to dismiss “feelings” is confusing.
- Donald Miller (from this post)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

warm weather and sunlight

let’s go for a drive

one hand on the wheel, one hand in yours — both of which make my heart beat fast

Monday, February 17, 2014


metaphorically speaking, i want to be a bed for someone.

it's where you go to completely relax and be yourself. a physical relief -- from the long day, from tiredness, from cold, from the rest of the world. an emotional relief -- from people, from small talk, from conflicts, from social situations. no need to look presentable, no need to exert energy, no need to be guarded. relaxed. comfortable. no pretenses. safe.

true relationship.
i have a tendency to run everywhere.  walking is just too slow.

Monday, February 10, 2014


what a beautiful word.

where has this word been my whole life?

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

stratton 2014

lodge ski trips are the best :)

Friday, January 31, 2014

i just spent like
30 minutes reading creepypastas
specifically reddit's "nosleep" subreddit
and then i got a phone call on my work computer
"unknown number"
and a weird falsetto voice said, "helloooo, is preston there?"
and i said, "yes, this is preston"
and then it hung up





Monday, January 6, 2014

dude, meetings

so i was in a meeting where i was only observing, and i got super bored and sleepy, so i tried to stay awake and look busy at the same time by writing on this post-it pad, and it turns out to be one of the funniest things ever because i don't even remember writing half of it

pretty sure this is what i would sound like if i were high

chinese tourette's