Saturday, May 15, 2010

bike > trike

my parents do this cool thing where they travel places together every now and then. and, whether out of obligation or not, they invite me to go along with them. this brings up the all-too-familiar dilemma of whether or not i should tag along and be a third wheel.

this past Christmas, they decided to go to NYC on a two-day trip to see the sights, and stay at a hotel for the night. i decided not to go.

a few months ago, they went to washington d.c. to see the cherry blossom festival. didn't go here either.

this week, they're going to atlantic city. now, i haven't been to atlantic city before, unlike the other two places above, so i'm interested in checking it out.

however, the reason i usually don't go with my parents on these mini-vacations is because i want someone to hang out with! i feel like it would just end up being me and my music and be mad boring.

my parents are cute, though.

i want to do this when i get married.


what do you guys think?