Sunday, January 20, 2013

i miss being a kid

today, at red robin, celebrating sean's birthday, i went to the men's bathroom.  as i got there, i found it being held open by a man who looked to be on his way out.  i stood outside for a little bit, thinking he was going to leave soon, and 'cause i knew he wasn't holding the door for me.  after a short amount of time passed, i went ahead into the bathroom, and lo and behold..

in there was a little boy who had just finished doing his business at the urinal, and he was repeatedly and rapidly flushing the urinal.

the dad: come on, it's time to go, you flushed it enough already, and it's this guy's turn.

little boy: -reluctantly backs away from the urinal, watching the massive amounts of water-

the dad: come on, he's gotta go pee!

little boy: -finally walks away towards his dad, forgetting to wash his hands because he was clearly still thinking about the urinal and how he wanted to flush it more-

i miss being a kid.

and it's not over yet!

after i come out of the bathroom, the same little boy is holding the door of the women's bathroom open a crack and looking into it.

the dad, to someone nearby: oh, he's such a peeping tom!

the dad, to the boy: hey, if you're going to look in, you gotta go inside, too!

1 comment:

Tim Yu said...

ooo the good old days...
haha dude keep posting stuff!
i like reading them!
i'll never forget the post about me you and dan making the snow fortress in front of newells <3