Wednesday, May 27, 2009

august evenings bring solemn warnings

i love movie theatre popcorn!

there is nothing quite like the taste of that popcorn which only comes from those glorious popcorn-kernel-popping machines behind that crazy-expensive snack bar.

however, over the years, i've seen clearview cinema 12's jumbo tub of popcorn rise in price from $5.50 to a whopping $7.50 (i think, the figures might be a bit off, but it was at least a two dollar difference). but with free refills and that undeniable yummy popcorn taste, i still kept going back for more. FREE REFILLS. UNLIMITED. i would always get a whole refill after the movie on the way out, even if i was sick of it, because i knew that the next day, i would get to indulge in the yummy popcorn goodness AGAIN. love it. oh, and only the jumbo tubs are refill-able.

[wow, i realize that when i want to write an entry on one specific idea i have in mind, i end up (voluntarily) explaining all the details of the other topics related to the idea.]

however, i later realized that going to the movies with a group of friends who all want popcorn is the way to go, since you can split the cost, and simply get more refills! even better, if each person has a container to hold popcorn in (like a big ziploc bag), there's none of that pesky need to share!

tonight, i went to see terminator salvation with johnny.

man, i really dig that optimum rewards benefit, now that i'm home again to be able to use it. [for those of you who don't live in this area, optimum rewards members are granted a special offer at clearview cinemas each tuesday, in the form of two free movie tickets, or four discounted ($6) tickets. which basically results in the parsippany clearview theatre selling out and being uber crowded in the parking lot, as all the asians and indians (and oh, there are so many) of p-town go to the movies. delightful.]

as i was in my car waiting for johnny to check which showtimes weren't sold out, i witnessed two interesting sights.

the first, was a bunch of indian people getting out of a car to walk into the theatres, and one man was holding a bag of popcorn popped straight out of the microwave. i actually laughed out loud. man, those indians.

the second incident, was a little [caucasian] kid who was carrying an empty jumbo popcorn tub, clearly purchased from clearview cinemas on a previous visit.

the second incident was the one that made me think. can i do that? i'd save myself $8 every time if i just brought in my old tub.

i mentioned my two sights to johnny, and he brought up an idea, the likes of which i had heard numerous many times in my head, but never from another source.

"we could just take a tub from the garbage"


i never really brought it up because i didn't think anyone would want to do it with me, but can you imagine the joy to my ears when johnny said that? aw yeah.

we went in. we checked trash cans. we saw a tub in a trash can, filled with lots of miscellaneous waste. we debated pouring out all the crap in it and then using it. we checked some more trash cans. then, in one out-of-the-way trash can, we see an empty jumbo tub, face up in the garbage. VICTORY. i seize it. johnny gets the refill.

we watch terminator salvation, which is a decent movie. made all the better with popcorn. which, in itself, was made all the better because it was FREE.

that's right! let's see you tell me of someone who did something as smart(?) as we did!

i will say, though, we both did feel a little dirty while eating. but, i wisely told johnny, "hey, just like if you had to re-wear your underwear for a day: just don't think about it."

if you've known me for a while now, this is the kind of topic i've brought up and debated multiple times. the eating-stuff-off-the-ground kind of topics.

first example: i walk into a restaurant with some friends, get seated at a table, and on a nearby table, the guests had clearly left and there is food leftover in the form of some fries on a plate. i want to eat it. my friends, however, react as though i just said i wanted to eat my barf.

is it really that bad?!

ah, yes, johnny. finally, someone who understands me.

-when i was a kid, my parents said that i cried unbelievably much. over the smallest things, i just wouldn't stop crying, to the point where my parents brought me to see doctors because they thought there was something wrong with me. ... maybe there is. -sob-
-is it weird if i write something and actually find it humorous? kind of like, making a joke and actually being amused at it. ish. i find that i have a few moments of those whenever i blog. which makes me happy.
-choob is a name i came up with in 8th grade. it means chinky noob. or chinese noob, too, i guess, for those of you offended by the word chink. :x i also don't find that word to be offensive. rather, i find it humorous when someone calls me that. at one point in time, i tried to get some classmates to call me that, but my attempts were futile.

ps. poll on the right if you haven't yet. -->


Katie said...

"my friends, however, react as though i just said i wanted to eat my barf."

HAHAHAHAH this made me laugh so hard. best blog post yet.

you also had some separation anxiety, where up until the age of 7 or 8, you had a hard time sleeping over at your friends' houses without getting really homesick, crying, and needing to be picked up by mom and dad. you got over it eventually, of course.

and then came the era of the random sleepwalking, where you'd stumble into the computer room or wherever I was and mumble unintelligible things until I led you back to your room. not sure if you have any recollection of those incidents, since you were asleep and all.

I hope you like these random comments. I try not to comment *too* much since I don't want to be that weird family member who comments on everything. You know, like people who are friends with their own moms on Facebook, who then write things like "hi honey, you never call!" That's just weird.

A said...

thumbs down for your ethics!

that's so sweet (above). my older brother doesn't even read my blog, much less comment on it. i think the last time we talked was two weeks ago.

betch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah said...

HAHAHA i can't believe you did it. stealthy AND stellar move.

michtseng said...

it's SO cute that your sister reads and comments...and shares more facts with us. haha.

i agree with amattchao on his comments basically!

the economy's bad enough preston, help it out a little!

i need to see you two, you and john(ny)! but yeah, never will i pick up a thing from the garbage dump. does swine flu mean anything to you?

ahah, well in the city whenever i'm walking, somebody sneezes like every 5 seconds. it's ridiculous. my brother says i should carry around a lysol spray and spray whoever sneezes or coughs. HAHAH. that'd be so hilarious. dontchathink?

ok i got off topic too.

i cried a lot too. actually maybe i still cry a lot. :p we've gone through all of our preschool days already so no need to revisit that. ahah but i remember i would cry everytime i realized my parents were gone. sigh.

haha yes, i remember when logikfish became choob. i was like wtheck. hahaha


Di&De said...

i totally want the eat left over food. first of all, its free. second of all, its wasting food. and that getting the tub outta the garbage idea was GENIUS. cept i dont really like popcorn...but i think if i knew i was saving 8 dollars i'd totally do it.

Mike wang said...

Okay. Eating out of the popcorn tub was genious, and disgusting. On my childhood dream to become a con man, I've learned a simple technique along the lines of your situation. Rather than getting the tub itself, see if you can find a receipt. Go up to them with the receipt and be like, the popcorn in my tub wasn't what I asked for or, you didn't give me the tub, you gave me the smaller size. Usually, the won't bother and just give it to you since you have the receipt proof. This works best in either drive through situations or in more populated food vendors.

But you're thinking along the right lines. No explosive diarrhea?

Eric Chang said...

wow. preston. ridiculous as usual

its ok
i ate a dusty cheeto off the ground in 1st gradfe becuase my mom never bought snacks then and I wanted it so badly