Sunday, May 17, 2009

a machine where your heart once was

kfc broke my heart. i remember when i was younger, eating at fast food places was always a treat for me because my parents didn't spoil me with that, and we ate at such places very sparingly, especially kfc. and so whenever the fried chicken-y goodness was brought home, i ate up that stuff like crazy!

skip ahead a buncha years. the next time i ate at kfc was sometime in early high school. first impressions: wait.. something's off.. this doesn't taste like the chicken i remember.. -looks at box- "Now with NO TRANS FAT!" (or something like that.)


it's still yummy, the only thing that was affected were the wings/drumsticks/breasts (the things on bones), the crispy skin just doesn't taste quite the same. the colonel's strips and popcorn chicken and all that boneless stuff still tastes the same. and the kfc bowls are still mad yummy (though they didn't have them way back when).

what if i WANT the trans fat? it's not like i'm gonna binge on kfc, i'm still going to enjoy it in moderation, but the trans fat made a HUGE taste difference. they should have an option where i can request it on my chicken.

oh, and the same thing happened with cup noodles (with MSG i think).

-my favorite color is blue. next, orange.
-i love physics. the concept of it. doing physics problems (at least so far). reading about it. buying geeky books about it. in the same vein, i'm a sucker for physics games. like, simple games based around a nifty physics engine, requiring out-of-the-box physics-related thinking to achieve goals, like WORLD OF GOO. PLAY IT NOW.
(wow i started writing this post about 4 hours ago, couldn't think of one more random thing, and then played killzone for a while and just now realized i have to finish this post. dang.)
-i have a $150 men's ring from tiffany's. i got it for my 18th birthday from a bunch of people at church. i don't really know why i wanted it. now it just sits at home, since i'm afraid i might ding it up or lose it if i wear it, plus it's a little out of place if i just wear it normally. and i lost my silver polish cloth. dang it! but it does have its sentimental value to it, regardless. :]


Katie said...

OMG! Another post? So soon!

A said...

i bought a book about physics this semester to read over the summer. it's called vibrations and waves. i don't know if i'll actually end up reading it.

maybe you will!

Stuti said...


we can no longer be friends. i'm sorry.

Katie said...

Also, I'd like to think that one of the formative experiences that helped convince you that physics is awesome was the copy of "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman" I gave you for your birthday sometime around 2001. I love that book.

Sarah said...

YES i totally understand what you mean with msg and noodles! it's just not the same :(

response r#2: you need to help me with physics next year. i am going to scan all my homework into the computer, and then you can do some for me :)

response r#3: i always had second thoughts about that. cuz i was like oh, okay if he wants it now....who knows if he will later. and the problem with expensive stuff is that you always have the fear of losing it/ruining it. yeh. :|

dude, are all your titles lyrics?!

Unknown said...

@ matthew:
that's so random how you would think i'd read one of your books, hahah. but nah, probably not, i'm not so into waves and stuff.

@ stuti:

@ katie:
lol.. i read some if it when i first got it, but didn't finish it. it wasn't until many years later that i picked it up again. but still didn't finish it. hahah. sorry. ONE DAY THOUGH.

@ sos:
dood. that's intense physics. but sure. maybe.

lemme know if you guys somehow actually end up reading this reply comment (so i'll know whether or not to leave replies in the future).

michtseng said...

preston, you're so odd. but its okay, i still like you. haah.

please try to be healthy with your eating!

michtseng said...

i like the title of your entry :]

Becca said...

I don't eat chicken unless it ends up on my plate. I don't think I could've tasted the difference either.


Physics games are fineee. I wonder how well I'd do in a physics class if I really wanted to torture myself. I like WOG. I think I want WOG. But I'd never get anything done .__.